Magento 2 backup and rollback

If your budget is full for security, then I recommend you to use a backup service from the hosting service. Even so, you can expect much more with backup versions of your website’s best performance with backup methods from Magento 2. In this article, we will learn about the methods of Magento 2 backup and rollback.

1. Backup and rollback via the Command line

First connect to your Magento directory using SSH and make sure you are using write permission to the Magento file system.


Run the below commands:

php bin/magento config:set system/backup/functionality_enabled 1
php bin/magento setup:backup --code --media --db

When it success you can see file backup in the path var\backups.


Before check list file backup with below command

php bin/magento info:backups:list

Then you can see below the screen

Magento 2 backup list

Now run the below command to rollback website

php bin/magento setup:rollback --code-file="1648697853_filesystem_code.tgz" --media-file="1648697853_filesystem_media.tgz" --db-file="1648697853_db.sql"

1. Backup and rollback via the Admin Panel


First, login to Admin Panel then check module backup status

Magento 2 enable backup module

After, go to System> Tools> Backups to choose the backup type

Magento 2 backup tools
  • In there
  • System Backup: will create copy of the database and the file system.
  • Database and Media Backup: will create copy of the current database and the media folder.
  • Database Backup: will create copy of the database


Go to System> Tools> Backups in list backup file click to Rollback link.

Magento 2 rollback list

Ok now you know how to Magento 2 backup and rollback. In the next posts we will learn how to move website to new service. Contact us if you face any problems during the installation process.