Magento 2 Ajax Cart Extension Document

1. Overview

Magento 2 Ajax Add Cart Extension is one of the plugins you should have for your e-commerce website. It enhances the customer’s shopping experience making them more satisfied with a quick and smooth add-to-cart process.

2. Install Extension

Link guide install the extension

3. How to use

Configuration Extension

Magento 2 ajax cart configuration
  • In there
  • “Enable”: Enable \ Disable extension show on frontend
  • “Position Popup”: Position Popup after add product to shopping cart.
    • “Footer” option:
      Magento 2 ajax cart footer popup
    • “Center” option:
      Magento 2 ajax cart center popup

In addition, you can also Enable \ Disable ajax wishlist and compare

Magento 2 ajax cart wishlist and compare

Contact us if you face any problems during the installation process.