Magento 2 One Step Checkout Document

1. Overview

A high conversion rate is the best proof of the effectiveness of your website. By ensuring buyers get to their destination as quickly as possible with a streamlined checkout process Magento 2 One Step Checkout will help increase conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment.

2. Install Extension

Link guide install the extension

3. How to use

Configuration Extension

General Configuration

Magento 2 One Step Checkout General Configuration
  • In there
  • Enable One Step Checkout: enables/disables this module on frontend
  • One Step Checkout Page Title: defines the title of the one-step checkout page
  • One Step Checkout Description: adds a message below the checkout page’s title
  • Default Shipping Method: Set default shipping method in the checkout process
  • Default Payment Method: Set default payment method in the checkout process
  • Allow Guest Checkout: When it’s Yes: Allow checking out as a guest When it’s No (require create account): Guest must enter password to create account at checkout When it’s No (require login): Guest must login before checkout
  • Auto-redirect to One Step Checkout Page: enables/disables redirecting to the Checkout Page after a product’s added to the cart.
  • Show Billing Address: showing the Billing Address block in the checkout page
  • Use Auto Suggestion Technology: Select Google to use it for automatic address suggestion, or No to disable this feature.
  • Google Api Key: enter google API Key
  • Restrict the auto suggestion for a specific country: select a country if you only want to show auto-suggestions for a single country
  • Enable GeoIP: enables/disables GeoIP
  • Route: enter checkout route that you want add checkout page Url

Display Configuration

Magento 2 One Step Checkout Display Configuration
  • In there
  • Show Login Link: enables/disables show a link for visitors to login
  • Show/Hide Footer/Header: enables/disables show Footer/Header
  • Show Discount Code Section: enables/disables show Discount Code section
  • Show Order Comment: enables/disables show Order Comment
  • Enable Gift Messages on order: enables/disables messages on the whole order
  • Enable Gift Messages on item: enables/disables messages on item
  • Show Terms and Conditions: enables/disables Terms and Conditions section


Magento 2 One Step Checkout Other Display Configuration
  • In there
  • Show Order Review Section: enables/disables show mini cart in one step checkout
  • Show Product List Toggle: enables/disables show button Toggle Order Review
  • Show Product Thumbnail Image: enables/disables show Thumbnail Image in list order product
  • Enable Gift Wrap: enables/disables show Gift Wrap
  • Calculate Method: choose calculate gift wrap fee based on item or order
  • Amount: Enter the amount of gift wrap fee.
  • Show Newsletter Checkbox: enables/disables Show Newsletter Checkbox in one step checkout
  • Enable Survey: enables/disables Survey function after successful checkout
  • Survey Question: enter the question used in the survey
  • Survey Answers: Enter answer options for survey questions
  • Allow Customer Add Other Option: enables/disables allow the customer to add his answer
  • Enable Seal Block When it’s No: Disable Seal Block Use Default Design: Use default design with an image and html block below Select Static Block: use a static block selected below
  • Upload Image: Upload Seal Image
  • Seal Description: Enter Seal Description
  • Seal Description: Enter Seal Description
  • Block: select a static block to use as Sealing Block
  • Enable Static CMS Block: enables/disables allows adding static blocks to checkout page and success page
  • Show Static Block: add block and choose position to show it

Design Configuration

Magento 2 One Step Checkout Design Configuration
  • In there
  • Checkout Page Layout: choose layout for one step checkout page
  • Place Order button color: enter the color code used as the button in the checkout page
  • Custom CSS: add your custom CSS code to use in checkout page

Contact us if you face any problems during the installation process.