Magento 2 Product Slider Document

1. Overview

Magento 2 Product Slider Extension Highlight products on the display screen. Combine the product list according to the criteria of selecting the best-selling, newest, most viewed, or most reviewed items.

2. Install Extension

Link guide install the extension

3. How to use

Configuration Extension

Magento 2 product slider configuration
  • In there
  • “Enable Module”: Enable / Disable content show on frontend
  • “Maximum Product”: Define maximum product will be display in slider. Leave empty will be default : 12
  • “Slider items”: Define how many product will display in each slider page with the widest browser width. Default : 6
  • “Show Price”: Show product’s price in on each items
  • “Show Add Cart”: Show product’s add to cart button in on each items
  • “Show Reviews”: Show product’s reviews in on each items
  • “Slider Autoplay”: If set Yes to animate slider automatically
  • “Autoplay timeout”: Change to any interger to make slider play every (input value) miliseconds. Default : 500
  • “Navigation / Pagination”: 1 to display “next” and “prev” buttons.2 to display dots pagination. Other value will be 0 : disable nav/pagi. Default : 1
  • “Stop on hover”: Yes to stop slider animation when cusor hover
  • “Slider Speed”: Define the speed for slider (in miliseconds). Default : 250

Create Group slider

Go to backend >> Magerubik >> Product slider pro >> Manage Group then click “New Group” button

Magento 2 product slider manage group

Choose one of 3 layout styles for the group, it will look like the image below

Magento 2 product slider layout style

Create product slider

Go to backend >> Magerubik >> Product slider pro >> Manage Item then click “New Slider” button

Magento 2 product slider manage item

Here you can push sliers to previously created groups.

Magento 2 product slider add new

How to Embed

You will see the code to enable this group slider on frontend after the group slider is saved.

Magento 2 product slider how enable

Contact us if you face any problems during the installation process.