Magento 2 AJAX Cart

Magento 2 AJAX Cart extension provides a better shopping experience by allowing customers to collectively purchase products without any delay or refreshing the page.


Magento 2 Ajax add to cart extension by Magerubik will provide your customers with a smooth shopping experience. Using the modern AJAX, products can be added to the shopping cart immediately without reloading the page.

  • Instantly add products to the cart by using Ajax
  • Support a variety of product types
  • Include Ajax Add to compare
  • Include Ajax Add to wishlist
  • Current Version: 2.4.0
  • Comunity Edition: 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Request Customization
  • 30 DaysMoney Back
  • FreeUpgrade
  • 100%Open Source

Live Demo For Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart Extension

Advantages of using Ajaxcart

AJAX Shopping Cart for Magento 2 is an effective tool for any Magento e-commerce store it makes the shopping process simple and flawless.

  • Allow your customers to add products from a cms page, category, or any section from your website without redirecting to the details page. Besides, after adding the product to the cart they can choose to continue shopping or check out right away.
  • Attract customers with attractive animations - a flying effect is applied when a product is added to the cart.
  • Save time of your shoppers by elimination of extra steps, no more redirecting product page, no more reloading again and again.
  • Cross-sell products are displayed in the Magento 2 popup after pressing the Add to Cart button.
  • The option to place the magento cart window in the footer creates an entertaining look that attracts customers.

Remember that this small improvement in the purchasing process can make a big difference to your ecommerce store and experience it with our AjaxCart module.

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Confident with more than 10 years of experience working with Magento we will give our customers the most prestigious products. Customer feedback is always a valuable resource for us and the same team is available 24/7 to receive and process to give you the answer as soon as possible.

Plus you get the following benefits with every product from Magerubik

  • Safe and well-structured: source code verified by Magento Inc.
  • 100% open source: Easy to customize and add new features.
  • license key: for lifetime use no expired date.
  • Free Bug: with any related bugs.
  • Compatible: each of our products is always compatible with each other.
  • Responsive: displays well on many devices with different screen window sizes.

Give us a chance to work together and you won't regret it